Tuesday 25 May 2010


Hello all you Crafty Bitches out there. I'm sorry that it's taken such a long time to get the blog up for the 2nd session, but my lap top was somewhat incapacitated for the majority of the last month.

The last session was all about knitting, with Rita (otherwise known as mum) who came along to show us the ropes. I think it's safe to say we were all a little humbled. All apart from Elinor who is a secret crochet genius and brought along a dragon she'd recently made, and some Anzac biscuits which were amazing. Katy D and Tracey also supplied some gorgeous cakes and with a table full of baked goodness we had enough fuel to keep us going to well past 10.

Our first attempt at knitting was fairly straight forward, a long oblong that could be folded over and turned into an MP3 case. After, a frustrating first half hour of casting on, we were in the majority on our way to knitting something that resembled... well knitting.
Natassja went all retro on us and knitted a case with batwings, and various members of the group had issues knitting up their "dangley bits" but all in all it was a great effort from everyone, and the fact that dangley bits were even involved is a bonus in anyones eyes.

I did get a great picture of Lyla's concentration face mid stitch, but I'll leave that one off in case she shouts at me! I think the quote of the day has to go to Natassja, who when passed an example of a knitted baby hat - likened it to a "nipple tassel".

We are now working towards knitting our first Crafty Bitch flag. If you would like to contribute to the flag, we are sewing together 6" x 6" knitted squares by all members.

Thursday 1 April 2010

When 1 Crafty Bitch became 10

The 30th of March saw our first ever meeting in Odd bar in Manchester's Northern quarter. Aside from wine, giggles and some amazing cakes it was definitely the start of some fantastic Ideas and good times to come.

Before we even descended to our basement meeting area, there was a buzz about the bar with enquiries from blokes wandering if this was an exclusively female group. The answer boys, is no. If you want a safe haven to discover your inner Crafty Bitch then you are more than welcome to join - see our facebook page for details.

Once the wine was poured and we had fuelled ourselves with Sarah and Tracey's lovely baking, it wasn't a case of trying to coax ideas for future meetings out of people, rather write them down fast enough.

Ideas from Yarn bombing (the coolest form gorilla knitting) to nipple tassel design, laughing yoga to a book club, ceramics to swishing, jewellery design to cocktail mixing, talks on sex to bee keeping were all put forward for future meetings.

The more the wine flowed, so did the ideas... and the laughing until after about an hour I realised my face was aching from grinning so much.

Everyone contributed, and every idea was a great one - the question now is how are we going to fit it all in?!

The quote of the day goes to Katy D on Sarah's cup cakes "This is the best thing to ever happen to my mouth" - which pretty much sums up Sarah's skills in the baking department!

Lyla is busy putting an event's schedule together for our future meetings so watch this space and make sure you get in touch via our facebook page if you would like to come along.

So who are these Crafty Bitches?

Set up by Lyla Graves, Crafty Bitches are a Manchester based group for the young and sassy at heart that are not quite ready for Jam and Jerusalem. With the standard group meeting staples of wine, cake and laughter all aspiring Crafty Bithches are invited to attend monthly meetings to learn a variety of skills from Knitting to Djing, and generally just get creative (and maybe a bit tipsy too!). The group is open to all like minded people of any age, and although predominantly female - men are more than welcome to come and express their inner Crafty Bitch.